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Four Things Restaurant Staff Should Do at The End of Every Shift to Avoid Equipment Repairs

At the end of a busy service, most restaurant staff can’t wait to shut down the kitchen and turn out the lights for the night. However, before locking up, it’s crucial to make sure that all kitchen equipment has been properly cleaned and prepped for the next shift. These jobs shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes or so to complete and can help prevent equipment damage, kitchen downtime, and expensive repairs.

Create a Daily Schedule

Don’t leave kitchen staff to second guess what needs to be done before the end of a shift. Create a schedule that includes step-by-step instructions on how each piece of kitchen equipment needs to be cleaned, sanitized and maintained. Assign specific tasks to individuals so that everyone knows their responsibilities, and nothing gets overlooked.

For example, one team member can handle cleaning the oven while another takes care of wiping down refrigerators and clearing debris from drains. Other important kitchen equipment tasks that need to be managed daily include making sure all equipment is turned off, double-checking the freezer and refrigerator temperature, and emptying the dishwasher.

Divide and Conquer

The best kitchen teams work together to tackle on and end-of-shift responsibilities. Dividing cleaning tasks ensures that everyone shares the responsibility and all equipment receives proper care and maintenance so responsibility of work is equally divided amongst the team rather than on one person. Divvying up cleaning jobs tasks helps to make sure that not all the responsibility falls on the shoulders of a few and that all equipment gets the attention it needs.

For instance, while some staff members focus on wiping surfaces and emptying grease traps, others can focus on checking the small appliances, like blenders and slicers, are properly cleaned, sanitized, and unplugged. Sharing the responsibilities saves time and keeps the workload fair while ensuring all jobs get done.

Book Time for Deeper Cleans

While daily cleaning is key, most kitchen equipment requires regular deeper cleaning to ensure they continue to perform optimally. Schedule time each week for staff to handle more thorough maintenance tasks, like de-scaling dishwashers, degreasing range hoods, and scrubbing hard-to-reach areas of grills.

These deeper cleans prevent the buildup of grime that can cause equipment to overheat or break down. This is also the perfect opportunity to take a closer look at kitchen equipment to spot early signs of damage and report them before a breakdown happens.

Invest in Planned Maintenance

Even with the best kitchen cleaning habits, restaurant equipment can benefit significantly from professional servicing. Many repair companies also offer planned maintenance on major appliances like commercial refrigerators, ovens, and freezers. These service appointments go beyond deep cleaning to reach areas kitchen staff can’t get to and they can identify and fix small issues before they escalate into major problems.

Investing in a maintenance plan not only extends the lifespan of kitchen equipment but also minimizes unexpected repairs, and unplanned kitchen downtime. A little extra effort at closing time can go a long way in maintaining a more productive and profitable restaurant. Implementing a closing schedule and tasks list helps keep kitchens running smoothing and equipment performing better.

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